Student Solution


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1. If everyday life is like the stage, then all of us are actors – as Goffman's article points out. But if this is true, then where is the “real” me? If we are all actors in our daily life, then is everyday life really anything more than a “put-on”? Expla

1. If everyday life is like the stage, then all of us are actors – as Goffman's article points out. But if this is true, then where is the “real” me

Q 1. If everyday life is like the stage, then all of us are actors – as Goffman's article points out. But if this is true, then where is the “real” me? If we are all actors in our daily life, then is everyday life really anything more than a “put-on”? Explain what Goffman means by "expressions given" and "expressions given off". 2. Describe how reality is socially constructed with reference the article "Behavior in Pubic Places". Each of your answers should be around 300 words for a total of approximately 600 words. PS: Goffman's article is hard to read because people usually do not write or think about what he has written. He has written many books and is considered within the top ten sociologists of all times. So give him a sympathetic read and try to understand what he is saying.

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People’s attitude and behavior at public place is however designed by thoroughly following various kinds of social norms of behavior as well as various kinds of codes of conducts which are set by the natural behavioral tendency within the society. Goffman’s use of the terms “expression given” and “expression given off” however highlights different kinds of behavioral expressions which are made within the societal front. “Expression given” refers to the emotions which are intended to be open and could easily read by the other individuals.